Volume 2Issue IV Year 2023
8th Semester B. Com LL. B(Hons.), School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
8th Semester B. Com LL. B(Hons.), School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Assisted Reproductive Technology-Posthumous Interest-Gamete Retrieval-Legal Ambiguity-Autonomy
1. Katharine Dow, Looking into the Test Tube: The Birth of IVF on British Television, 63 MED. HIST. 189 (2019).
2. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/infertility/conditioninfo/treatments/art.
3. Elliot M.K, Tales of parenthood from the Crypt: The predicament of the posthumously conceived child. Real Property 39(1) Probate and Trust Journal 47(2004).
4. Alexix C. Madrigal, Making Babies, THE ATLANTIC (Jun 2014)
5. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021, § 2(1)(a), NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
6. Bills K, The Ethics and Legality of Posthumous Conception, 9 SOUTH. CROSS UNIV. LAW REV. 1, 1-18 (2005).
7. Jason D Hans, American Attitudes in Context: Posthumous Sperm Retrieval and Reproduction, 4 J. CLIN. RES. BIOETH. 1, 1-9 (2013).
8. G. Bahadur, Death and Conception: Opinion, 17 HUM. REPROD. 2769, 2769-2775(2002).
9. Stéphanie Côté et al., Posthumous Reproduction with Surplus in Vitro Fertilization Embryos: A Study Exploring Users’ Choices, 102 FERTIL. STERIL. 1410, 1410-5 (2014).
10. John A. Robertson, Posthumous Reproduction, 69 INDIANA LAW J. INDIANAP. IND 1926, 1027, 1027-1065 (1994).
11. Sara E. Barton et al., Population-Based Study of Attitudes toward Posthumous Reproduction, 98 FERTIL. STERIL. 735, 735-740 (2012).
12. Jason D. Hans, Posthumous Gamete Retrieval and Reproduction: Would the Deceased Spouse Consent?, 119 SOC. SCI. MED. 10, 10-17 (2014).
13. A. W. Pastuszak et al., Posthumous Sperm Utilization in Men Presenting for Sperm Banking: An Analysis of Patient Choice, 1 ANDROLOGY 251, 251-255 (2013).
14. Gary S. Nakhuda, Jeff G. Wang & Mark V. Sauer, Posthumous Assisted Reproduction: A Survey of Attitudes of Couples Seeking Fertility Treatment and the Degree of Agreement between Intimate Partners, 96 FERTIL. STERIL. 1463, 1463-1466 (2011).
15. Rajesh V Bardale & P G Dixit, Birth after Death: Questions about Posthumous Sperm Retrieval, INDIAN J. MED. ETHICS (2006), http://ijme.in/articles/birth-after-death-questions-about-posthumous-sperm-retrieval/?galley=html (last visited May 23, 2024)
16. J. Dostal et al., Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval in New European Union Countries: Case Report, 20 HUM. REPROD. 2359, 2359-61 (2005).
17. Mayumi Mayeda, Present State of Reproductive Medicine in Japan – Ethical Issues with a Focus on Those Seen in Court Cases, 7 BMC MED. ETHICS 3 (2006).
18. M Parker, Response to Orr and Siegler--Collective Intentionality and Procreative Desires: The Permissible View on Consent to Posthumous Conception, 30 J. MED. ETHICS 389, 389-92 (2004).
19. S v. Minister for Health (2008) WASC 262.
20. In re Daniel Thomas Christy, No. EQVO68545 (Johnson Cnty., Sept. 14, 2007).
21. In re Leith Dorene Patteson (2016) QSC 104.
22. Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act, UK, (2003).
23. R (on the application of Mr and Mr M) v. Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (2016) EWCA Civ 611.
24. G. Pennings et al., ESHRE Task Force on Ethics and Law 11: Posthumous Assisted Reproduction, 21 HUM. REPROD. 3050, 3050–3053 (2006).
25. Posthumous collection and use of reproductive tissue: a committee opinion, 99 FERTIL. STERIL. 1842, 1842-5 (2013).
26. Jason D. Hans, supra note 13.
27. Judith Daar et al., Posthumous Retrieval and Use of Gametes or Embryos: An Ethics Committee Opinion, 110 FERTIL. STERIL. 45, 45-49 (2018).
28. ICMR National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics in
29. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, § 24, NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
30. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022, § 42(2)(r).
31. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022.
32. Asok Kumar Chatterjee v Union of India & Ors (2020) Calcutta HC W.P.A. No. 4553.
33. Stuti Rakesh Painter v. State of Gujarat (2021) Gujarat HC, (R/Special Civil Application No. 10400.
34. Express News Service, ‘Nothing further to be done”: Gujarat HC disposes of plea by woman seeking preservation of dying husband’s sperm’ THE INDIAN EXPRESS (Ahmedabad, July 31, 2021) < https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/gujarat-hc-disposes-of-plea-by-woman-seeking-preservation-of-dying-husbands-sperm-7432228/> (last visited May 12, 2023).
35. Myers, R.H, Classical and modern regression with applications (PWS-Kent Publishing, Boston, 1990).
36. Myers, R.H n 36.
37. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, § 2(1)(d), 24, NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
38. Shai Shefi et al., Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: Analysis of Time Interval to Harvest Sperm, 21 HUM. REPROD. 2890 (2006).
39. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022.
1. Katharine Dow, Looking into the Test Tube: The Birth of IVF on British Television, 63 MED. HIST. 189 (2019).
2. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/infertility/conditioninfo/treatments/art.
3. Elliot M.K, Tales of parenthood from the Crypt: The predicament of the posthumously conceived child. Real Property 39(1) Probate and Trust Journal 47(2004).
4. Alexix C. Madrigal, Making Babies, THE ATLANTIC (Jun 2014)
5. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021, § 2(1)(a), NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
6. Bills K, The Ethics and Legality of Posthumous Conception, 9 SOUTH. CROSS UNIV. LAW REV. 1, 1-18 (2005).
7. Jason D Hans, American Attitudes in Context: Posthumous Sperm Retrieval and Reproduction, 4 J. CLIN. RES. BIOETH. 1, 1-9 (2013).
8. G. Bahadur, Death and Conception: Opinion, 17 HUM. REPROD. 2769, 2769-2775(2002).
9. Stéphanie Côté et al., Posthumous Reproduction with Surplus in Vitro Fertilization Embryos: A Study Exploring Users’ Choices, 102 FERTIL. STERIL. 1410, 1410-5 (2014).
10. John A. Robertson, Posthumous Reproduction, 69 INDIANA LAW J. INDIANAP. IND 1926, 1027, 1027-1065 (1994).
11. Sara E. Barton et al., Population-Based Study of Attitudes toward Posthumous Reproduction, 98 FERTIL. STERIL. 735, 735-740 (2012).
12. Jason D. Hans, Posthumous Gamete Retrieval and Reproduction: Would the Deceased Spouse Consent?, 119 SOC. SCI. MED. 10, 10-17 (2014).
13. A. W. Pastuszak et al., Posthumous Sperm Utilization in Men Presenting for Sperm Banking: An Analysis of Patient Choice, 1 ANDROLOGY 251, 251-255 (2013).
14. Gary S. Nakhuda, Jeff G. Wang & Mark V. Sauer, Posthumous Assisted Reproduction: A Survey of Attitudes of Couples Seeking Fertility Treatment and the Degree of Agreement between Intimate Partners, 96 FERTIL. STERIL. 1463, 1463-1466 (2011).
15. Rajesh V Bardale & P G Dixit, Birth after Death: Questions about Posthumous Sperm Retrieval, INDIAN J. MED. ETHICS (2006), http://ijme.in/articles/birth-after-death-questions-about-posthumous-sperm-retrieval/?galley=html (last visited May 23, 2024)
16. J. Dostal et al., Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval in New European Union Countries: Case Report, 20 HUM. REPROD. 2359, 2359-61 (2005).
17. Mayumi Mayeda, Present State of Reproductive Medicine in Japan – Ethical Issues with a Focus on Those Seen in Court Cases, 7 BMC MED. ETHICS 3 (2006).
18. M Parker, Response to Orr and Siegler--Collective Intentionality and Procreative Desires: The Permissible View on Consent to Posthumous Conception, 30 J. MED. ETHICS 389, 389-92 (2004).
19. S v. Minister for Health (2008) WASC 262.
20. In re Daniel Thomas Christy, No. EQVO68545 (Johnson Cnty., Sept. 14, 2007).
21. In re Leith Dorene Patteson (2016) QSC 104.
22. Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act, UK, (2003).
23. R (on the application of Mr and Mr M) v. Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (2016) EWCA Civ 611.
24. G. Pennings et al., ESHRE Task Force on Ethics and Law 11: Posthumous Assisted Reproduction, 21 HUM. REPROD. 3050, 3050–3053 (2006).
25. Posthumous collection and use of reproductive tissue: a committee opinion, 99 FERTIL. STERIL. 1842, 1842-5 (2013).
26. Jason D. Hans, supra note 13.
27. Judith Daar et al., Posthumous Retrieval and Use of Gametes or Embryos: An Ethics Committee Opinion, 110 FERTIL. STERIL. 45, 45-49 (2018).
28. ICMR National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics in
29. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, § 24, NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
30. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022, § 42(2)(r).
31. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022.
32. Asok Kumar Chatterjee v Union of India & Ors (2020) Calcutta HC W.P.A. No. 4553.
33. Stuti Rakesh Painter v. State of Gujarat (2021) Gujarat HC, (R/Special Civil Application No. 10400.
34. Express News Service, ‘Nothing further to be done”: Gujarat HC disposes of plea by woman seeking preservation of dying husband’s sperm’ THE INDIAN EXPRESS (Ahmedabad, July 31, 2021) < https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/gujarat-hc-disposes-of-plea-by-woman-seeking-preservation-of-dying-husbands-sperm-7432228/> (last visited May 12, 2023).
35. Myers, R.H, Classical and modern regression with applications (PWS-Kent Publishing, Boston, 1990).
36. Myers, R.H n 36.
37. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021, § 2(1)(d), 24, NO. 42, Acts of Parliament, 2021 (India).
38. Shai Shefi et al., Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: Analysis of Time Interval to Harvest Sperm, 21 HUM. REPROD. 2890 (2006).
39. The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Rules 2022.