Volume 1Issue II Year 2022
Eighth Semester, B.BA L.LB, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT
Eighth Semester, B.BA L.LB, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT
Mentally ill women- intellectual disability- abortion- pregnancy- reproductive justice
1. Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-13, 1994, U.N. Doc. A/ CONF.171/13/Rev.1 (1995)
2. ICPD Programme of Action, supra note 2, para. 7.3.
4. Wang Y, Hunt K, Nazareth I ,et.al Do men consult less than women? An analysis of routinely collected UK general practice data,3BMJ JOURNALS,1,3(2013).
5. Centre for reproductive rights
6. Centre for reproductive rights, supra note 5,at 1.
7. Id. at1.
8. United Nations. Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care.1(5) New York: United Nations, Secretariat Centre for Human Rights; 1991.
9. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Dec. 13, 2006), 2515 U.N.T.S. art.6
10. Id. art. 22.
11. Justice K. S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) 10 S.C.C. 1 (India).
12. CRPD 2006, supra note 9, art. 23(1)(b).
13. Id. art. 25.
14. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, No. 49 of 2016, India Code 2016
15. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14
16. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14, S.10(1)
17. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, No. 34 of 1971, India Code 1971
18. Id. S. 3(4)(e)
19. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14, S.92(f)
20. The National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, No. 44 of 1999, India Code 1999, S. 2(o)
21. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, No. 10 of 2017, India Code 2017, S. 2(s)
22. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, supra note21, S. 4(1)
23. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, supra note 21, S. 3(5)
24. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
25. Id
26. Anand Manharlal Brahmbhatt v. State of Gujarat, 28 July 2015 (Special Crim. App. No. 4204/2015)
27. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
28. Id.
29. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
31. Justice K. S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) 10 S.C.C. 1 (India).
33. MEDICAL PROTECTION, Mental Capacity Act, 2005-Assessing Capacity
34. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
1. Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 5-13, 1994, U.N. Doc. A/ CONF.171/13/Rev.1 (1995)
2. ICPD Programme of Action, supra note 2, para. 7.3.
4. Wang Y, Hunt K, Nazareth I ,et.al Do men consult less than women? An analysis of routinely collected UK general practice data,3BMJ JOURNALS,1,3(2013).
5. Centre for reproductive rights
6. Centre for reproductive rights, supra note 5,at 1.
7. Id. at1.
8. United Nations. Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care.1(5) New York: United Nations, Secretariat Centre for Human Rights; 1991.
9. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Dec. 13, 2006), 2515 U.N.T.S. art.6
10. Id. art. 22.
11. Justice K. S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) 10 S.C.C. 1 (India).
12. CRPD 2006, supra note 9, art. 23(1)(b).
13. Id. art. 25.
14. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, No. 49 of 2016, India Code 2016
15. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14
16. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14, S.10(1)
17. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, No. 34 of 1971, India Code 1971
18. Id. S. 3(4)(e)
19. RPWD Act, 2016, supra note 14, S.92(f)
20. The National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, No. 44 of 1999, India Code 1999, S. 2(o)
21. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, No. 10 of 2017, India Code 2017, S. 2(s)
22. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, supra note21, S. 4(1)
23. The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, supra note 21, S. 3(5)
24. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
25. Id
26. Anand Manharlal Brahmbhatt v. State of Gujarat, 28 July 2015 (Special Crim. App. No. 4204/2015)
27. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
28. Id.
29. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)
31. Justice K. S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2017) 10 S.C.C. 1 (India).
33. MEDICAL PROTECTION, Mental Capacity Act, 2005-Assessing Capacity
34. Suchita Srivastava v. Chandigarh Administration (2009) 9 S.C.C. 1 (India)